Daniel Pinha
what is happening outside?
When the world stopped in 2020 because of the pandemic our routines changed and theatres were shut down. I looked deeply within my creative process for something that could be relevant and yet still communicate with others as an artist. I realized that by using my scale models I could “open some theatres.” My model served as the representation of the theatre that hosted new stories and kept the working of storytelling going. I created scripts, invited actors to record dialogues, filmed and animated models. This project aims to give a voice and space for storytelling by participants who seek an alternative way of expressing their creativity in theater design, as well to for me to continue exploring my craft as a stage artist.
I hope you enjoy it.


What is happening outside?
Covid-19 has stopped humanity in its tracks. We are facing an unprecedented and challenging time where the entire planet has been forced to diminish or completely pause our daily routines.
We are all connected, what happens in one place may affect others, and empathy is more necessary than ever. At this time we all have a common cause. There is an enormous opportunity for us to turn inward and reflect on what really matters in our lives. When this is over how can we make the world a better place for everyone? Let's start thinking about how we can take care of our planet. Let's respect each others’ beliefs, race, religion, sexual orientation or identification. Happiness comes when we embrace these differences.
I believe art can help reach this goal. It is an outlet for us to express our feelings, initiate discussions and alert us to good causes. Beautiful visions of reality from the artists' viewpoints conduct us through different times. Books, music, films, visual arts and TV shows have become instruments of information and great companions while we are still living inside our own bubbles.
This video provokes the viewer to ask how we can do better after all. This project will hopefully give a voice to everyone who searches for ways to tell a story. It is an expression of the continuing work of a stage artist and the point of view of a person hoping to ultimately do good. This project with its models wants to reach new audiences and resist throughout this time. Contact me if you would like to share a story so we can make it into a model. We can transform your big character creation live into a small scale model.
The theaters are closed but the artist has an open heart.

Past, Present
and Future

Past, Present and Future
We continually ponder about time and what part of our life was the most joyful, the most productive, the most emotional, or the most truthful… We live inside ourselves and we understand the world around us based on our own experiences throughout time.
The past is a compilation of memories created by present acts and how we register them inside our mind. The present is the joy of being connected with the living moment which will in turn immediately become the past. As for the future, it brings the consequences of what we are doing now.
During the pandemic we defined time differently. We either lost track of time, or intentionally stopped worrying about scheduling. Days became months and in an instant two years passed. The past brought back an avalanche of images and sweet memories of places and people that were once together. The future became a hope for better days, and the present became a reality more present than ever.
This video provokes the viewers to reflect about the choices that we are making now. What are we doing with our present to create a past that we would like to remember and that will shape a future that we would like to see? How can the past, present and future become a better reflection of us? Are we having a better perspective and are we becoming more empathetic toward all people in this post pandemic transition world? Did we learn anything that will make the world a better place for everyone?
In the past, present and future, everything is one… everything is us.